If item which you bought at our e-shop is not suitable you can send it back to us within 14 days of collection for your costs.
1. Pack the goods carefully.
2. Enclose invoice.
3. Enclose your bank account number where can we send money back.
4. Items send to address:
Prazska 54
Kolin 2 280 02
Czech Republic
always add our phone and email:
+420 705 107 523
you can use carrier Zásilkovna:
Name: POP PLANET s.r.o.
Zásilkovna: KOLÍN, Zoo Center, Benešova 121, 280 02, always add our phone +420 705 107 523 and email:
5. Send us information what items are inside of shipment to email:
We will contact you after receiving your shipment.
ANNOUNCEMENT: We are e-shop which offer collectors products. Please note that items which you send to us
must be in 100% perfect condition (product and also box of product). Pack items carefully to protect during transport.
In case we will receive damaged item we can not send you all amount for product back.
WE DO NOT EXCHANGE GOODS - Send the unsatisfactory goods back to us within 14 days of collection in the same way as for returning goods. For new item please create new order. Thank you